Friday, September 5, 2014

Welcome! I am both excited and nervous about starting my own blog. It is something I have wanted to do forever but never found the time to do it. Now that I am not working a full time job and going to school I have found the time. So no excuses now!

Jumping into it here are some facts to get know know me.
- Name is A. Nicole
- Texas Girl born and raised.
- I am 26 and currently house hunting with my long time boyfriend.
- I am a middle child with two other sibilings.
- I am currently studying for AAS. in Business Managment.
- I love all things beauty, fashion, and home decor.
- Before all things though is my family.
- I would like to live a life being grateful for what I have.

What you might find here:
- Beauty
- Fashion
- Home Decor Ideas
- D.I.Y

One day I might create my own YouTube chanel but for now I am here with a keyboard in front of me and a whole world out there.

Thanks for taking the time to read this short little entry and come back for more great info.

A. Nicole